Sugar Tax


Should sugar taxes be extended beyond beverages?

By Rachel Arthur

Most ‘sugar taxes’ are, in reality, ones that apply specifically to beverages. Is this fair – and would extending them to items such as chocolate, cakes and biscuits work?

Pic: getty/liudmilachernetska

Do soda taxes reduce childhood obesity?

By Rachel Arthur

The potential of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes to tackle childhood obesity has been a key rationale for their introduction. How effective are they?


Oakland soda tax reduces sugary drink purchases

By Rachel Arthur

Residents in Oakland, California have bought fewer sugary beverages since a local soda tax went into effect, says a study from UC San Francisco. The study also found savings in health care costs and compared them to other public health policies.

One million livelihoods depend on South African cane sugar, says the industry. Pic:getty/lcswart

What next for South Africa’s sugar tax?

By Rachel Arthur

It sounds like it’s going to be a familiar story: health campaigners want a sugar tax, the beverage industry doesn’t. But in South Africa there’s an additional dynamic: a massive sugar-growing industry that’s already facing huge challenges. Acknowledging...


Indonesia inches closer to stealth sugar tax

By Richard Whitehead

Indonesia might be taking a novel approach to implementing a sugar tax: if a proposal in front of parliament goes ahead, it will lump an additional levy on soft drinks in with environmental protection measures to fill a gaping hole in public finances.

Sales of zero sugar drinks increased by 22 million litres between 2015 and 2018. Pic:getty/andreypopov

Soft drink sugar drops by 29% in the UK

By Rachel Arthur

An Oxford University study has found the total amount of sugar sold in soft drinks in the UK dropped by 29% between 2015-2018. “Sustained pressure on business, including fiscal measures, has led to a striking reduction,” say the researchers.

Sugar taxes prompt heated debate around the globe. Pic:getty/helendavies

Sugar taxes: The global picture

By Rachel Arthur, Elaine Watson, Niamh Michail, Gary Scattergood, Flora Southey

Sugar taxes continue to hit the headlines, so we take a spin around the globe to look at some of the markets where taxes have been introduced or are under debate.


UK sugar tax has removed 45,000 tonnes of sugar from shelves, says government

Will UK sugar tax be extended to milk drinks?

By Rachel Arthur

The UK government is considering extending its sugar tax to milk drinks: with the announcement made just before the confirmation of Boris Johnson – who has pledged a review of ‘nanny state sin taxes’ – as the country's next Prime Minister.


Guest article

UK sugar tax: Historic sales shift to sugar-free

By Jack Winkler, Emeritus Professor of Nutrition Policy, London Metropolitan University; and Tam Fry, chair, National Obesity Forum

A historic change in the sales of carbonated soft drinks has taken place since the Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL) came into force a year ago -- with sugarfree drinks rising, and full sugar products falling.


Soft drinks major thinks healthier drinks is better strategy than price rises

F&N should easily weather Malaysia’s sugar tax doldrums

By Richard Whitehead

The grand old man of soft drinks in Southeast Asia is facing a year fraught with challenges, but the way it has been preparing for a new sugar tax stands it in good stead for its implementation later this year.

Sugar taxes: Sweet success or a sorry story? It usually depends who you ask... Pic:getty/bopav

Sugar taxes: The global picture

By Rachel Arthur, Elaine Watson, Stephen Daniells, Gary Scattergood, Niamh Michail

Sugar taxes continue to hit the headlines, but the introduction of new legislation is never straight-forward. We take a look at 20 countries around the globe where sugar taxes have been in the news.