
The new products are being rolled out first in Malaysia.  Pic: Nestlé

Nestlé launches dairy free Milo in Asia

By Jim Cornall

Nestlé said as consumers in Asia are including more dairy alternatives in their diet, it is launching plant-based versions of some of its brands in the region.

F&N produces the 100Plus hydration drink, cordials and fizzy fruit drinks, as well as condensed, evaporated, UHT and pasteurized milk.

Plans announced for integrated mega dairy farm to boost local milk production

From cans to cows, fizzy drinks maker F&N sees future in Malaysian dairy

By Richard Whitehead

One of Southeast Asia’s biggest names in fizzy drinks is poised to make its mark on dairy in Malaysia, having revealed plans to import thousands of cows and produce millions of liters of milk.

Heineken 0.0 was launched in Malaysia in June. Pic: Heineken Malaysia

Heineken 0.0 launch has put the brewer on the back foot in Malaysia

By Richard Whitehead

One might think that a simple inquiry to a major brewery would be warmly welcomed, especially when it is about one of their recently released products. But it's not that straight-forward when it comes to Heineken's 0.0 launch in Malaysia.

Most of the kombucha available in Malaysia now is imported, particularly from Australia and America. Pic: Getty/boyarkinamarina

Reviving Malaysia’s kombucha tradition

By Richard Whitehead

It’s not often that people think of a small country in Southeast Asia as a trendsetter, but when it comes to kombucha, Malaysia saw the now-fashionable fermented tea rise to wild levels of popularity—and then wither away—years before the first hipster...


Soft drinks major thinks healthier drinks is better strategy than price rises

F&N should easily weather Malaysia’s sugar tax doldrums

By Richard Whitehead

The grand old man of soft drinks in Southeast Asia is facing a year fraught with challenges, but the way it has been preparing for a new sugar tax stands it in good stead for its implementation later this year.

Beverage entrepreneurs: Boom-time for Malaysia's Hausboom

Malaysia’s Hausboom has taken off across Asia and Europe.

Boom-time for burgeoning brand from Asia’s fizzy drinks backwater

By Richard Whitehead

Sitting in a cafe in Saudi Arabia, Azri Zahier came to a realisation. All around him, people were guzzling fizzy drinks. These, he noticed, were not local beverages, or even ones made elsewhere in the Gulf. They were from Thailand.

Malaysia: High tax rates and easy access to bootlegged liquor. Pic:getty/omersukrugosku

When cheap booze turns into a public health crisis

By Richard Whitehead

Upwards of 40 people died last month in Malaysia from methanol poisoning. Why has this happened - and what can be done? It's time for some answers, says food and beverage journalist Richard Whitehead in this guest article.