
According to Unleashed, inflationary pressures have had a greater impact on food than beverage. Image Source: andresr/Getty Images

Why has beverage weathered inflation better than food?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Inflation in recent years has impacted nearly everyone, with rising prices putting a strain on the cost of living. However, according to a new report, food is being hit harder than most sectors, at least in the UK, while beverage seems to have escaped...

Prioritising mental health, personalised nutrition and clean labels are some of the leading consumer trends expected for 2024. Pic: GettyImages

FMCG Gurus’ top trends for 2024

By Gill Hyslop

Markets have been shaped by a prevailing theme of uncertainty and worry - war, pandemic, price inflation and growing pressures on food systems - resulting in a sharper consumer focus on protecting their physical and emotional wellbeing.