Food Security

Tepache - a fermented beverage made from the peel and rind of pineapples - is one of the beverages making a comeback. Pic:getty/riou

Forgotten fermentation: Uncovering Mexico’s traditional beverages

By Rachel Arthur

Could Mexico’s traditional fermented beverages offer inspiration for healthy beverages today? Researchers are calling for the recovery and conservation of ancient fermented drinks, which could offer an 'outstanding reservoir' of genetic resources...

Yves Rey of Danone France says the industry must unite to tackle food safety and security concerns.


Danone: How will we feed 9bn people?

By Jenni Spinner

A Danone France leader says providing a growing planet with a safe, sufficient food supply down the road is a challenge the industry must meet now.

A menu for American food policy

A menu for American food policy

At the time of writing, the US is poised to go to the polls. The next two days are going to be hugely exciting. And when it’s all over, after the victor gets some well-earned rest… he’ll rub his sleepy eyes and ask: ‘What’s for breakfast?'.

GM: Breaking the stalemate

Weekly comment

GM: Breaking the stalemate

Food industry voices are joining those of politicians in the GM debate, hailing the controversial technology as the answer to the food supply crisis. But the hearts and minds of consumers must still be won.