
Fidelis Nwankwo displaying a poster for community awareness. Photo: WHO/Africa office

Methanol poisoning from gin kills 19 in Nigeria

By Joseph James Whitworth

The ‘mystery disease’ which has killed 19 people in Nigeria has been linked to local gin contaminated with methanol, according to the Ministry of Health.

Clinical trials are EFSA’s fool’s gold

Clinical trials are EFSA’s fool’s gold

There’s gold to be found in them health claims mountains, but prospectors from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) must be happy with the little chunks that add up to a lot, and stop searching for nuggets the size of your fist.

Time to ditch the FFQ

Weekly Comment

Time to ditch the FFQ

Little wonder consumers are confused about which foods are good for
them, and which bad, when scientists use methods with almost no
chance of meaningful results.