Arla Foods Ingredients launch its high-protein pre-meal shot as a nutritional boost to meals that claims to help manage blood sugar levels—a cause of rising diabetic-related complications.
How stevia controls blood sugar levels has remained a mystery until now as researchers think they have unravelled the natural, no-calorie sweetener's action that results in its observed health benefits.
The choice between artificially sweetened and sugared soft drinks does not seem to make a difference in the onset of chronic conditions such as diabetes, according to Swedish research.
Consumption of a low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail could help lower the risk of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes and stroke, say researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Drinking green tea after a meal might boost satiety levels, but has very little effect on blood glucose levels or glycemic index, according to a new study.
An article 14 disease risk reduction health claim linking mineral water consumption and a reduction of glycaemia has drawn a negative opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Using cinnamon as a functional ingredient may lead to slower
emptying of the stomach and reduce the rise in blood sugar after
eating, says a new study.
Barry Callebaut is funding research aimed at discovering the
component in cocoa butter responsible for an observed improvement
in insulin sensitivity, with the ultimate aim of developing
chocolate products for diabetics.