

What’s in the liquor you are drinking?

By Ron Ducharme, Vice President of Business Development, Covectra

With the increase in ecommerce, opportunities for counterfeit products are widening. In this guest article, Ron Ducharme, Vice President of Business Development at Covectra - a company working in track and trace since 2008 - looks at how 'next-generation...

Systech acquired by Dover. Photo: Systech

Systech to join Markem-Imaje following Dover acquisition

By Jenny Eagle

Dover Corporation has acquired Systech International (Systech), which will now join Markem-Imaje, product identification and traceability business, as part of Dover’s Imaging and Identification segment.

 Picture credit: ACIST - the European Union database that gathers statistics on detentions of articles that are suspected of infringing intellectual property at borders and in the internal markets.

EU economy loses €35bn a year due to counterfeiting

By Jenny Eagle

Counterfeiting is predicted to increase 3% per year worldwide leading to a rise in the anti-counterfeiting market over the next five years with CAGRs ranging from 12.8% to 16%, says PMMI (Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies).

Chinese fake seizures prompt Red Bull response


Chinese fake seizures prompt Red Bull response


Red Bull insists it watches the Chinese market closely to guard against fakes after authorities arrested 13 people in August and seized thousands of counterfeit energy drinks, as an analyst warns the issue is a serious problem in 'virtually every...