
ADM predicts ramped up colours and flavours for 2024. Pic: ADM

Defiant consumer choice drives flavour and colour trends in 2024

By Gill Hyslop

The flavours and colours that ADM forecasts to trend in 2024 break with tradition and represent the consumer resolve to boldly choose products that appeal to their personal values - with an unapologetic abandon for the flavours they deem tasty and the...


From bright whites to brilliant blues: Color innovation in F&B

By Rachel Arthur

‘We eat first with our eyes’ – and the saying is all the more true in an age of social media. But color is not just about good looks: it’s also about meeting consumer demands for natural and sustainable alternatives. We take a look at some of the latest...

Phytolon and Ginkgo are partnering with the goal of maximizing production of purple and yellow betalain-producing strains. Pic: Getty Images/hdere

Phytolon and Ginkgo Bioworks collaborate on food colors

By Jim Cornall

Phytolon, a growing startup company making natural food colorants, has announced a partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks, a horizontal platform for cell programming, to produce vibrant cultured food colors via fermentation of yeast.