

Could USDA limit the provision of flavored milk in US schools?

By Teodora Lyubomirova

In a bid to provide healthier meals and reduce the amount of sugar and salt consumed by school kids, the USDA has proposed several updates to the school nutrition standards, with flavored milk potentially excluded from some kids' menus.

Photo: iStock

When it comes to grocery shopping, children have a lot of clout

By Adi Menayang

What differences in shopping habits do childless households have compared to ones with children? A lot, a new study by Packaged Facts reveals. We chat with founders of two smaller brands who market directly to children and get their take.

FSA to join kids' food debate

FSA to join kids' food debate

The UK Food Standards Agency is to discuss a number of possible
options concerning the future regulation of promoting food products
to children in a bid to tackle the rising tide of obesity. A move
which has been cautiously welcomed...