
Brits toast New world wines

Brits toast New world wines

In 2002, the ever evolving UK wine market continued the steady
growth of recent years with sales increasing by 5 per cent,
according to a report from the Canadean Wine Service. Particular to
this growth was the meteoric rise of New...

A six-pack of wine?

A six-pack of wine?

Franklin Estates is to launch its Australian wine brands in cans
across the UK next month, just in time for the summer picnic
season. But persuading the UK consumer - to say nothing of the wine
trade - that a good quality wine can...

Tough times for Spanish wine

Tough times for Spanish wine

Exports of Spanish wine grew by less than 1 per cent last year in
both volume and value, according to the latest data. And at home
the situation is even worse, with consumption there continuing its
unrelenting decline.