
Isola Bio is a major player in the organic dairy alternatives market in Italy

Wessanen to acquire Abafoods for €52m


Dutch food company Wessanen has agreed to acquire Italian organic drinks company Abafoods for €52m, the company has said.

Oats in the safety zone

Oats in the safety zone

Consumers in the UK can eat their porridge safe in the knowledge
that their oat products are free from harmful toxins - mycotoxins -
after an extensive survey in the UK found very low traces, if none
at all, of the contaminant in...

Flavoursome fibres

Flavoursome fibres

The healthy components of fibres such as oats and rye can also
enhance their flavour if the correct processing techniques are
used, claims new Finnish research.

Gain for UK grain

Gain for UK grain

The UK's Cereals Industry Forum is to receive a £1.4 million
government grant over the next three years in an effort to improve
efficiency and competitiveness in the grain chain.