Asda has exceeded a 10% carbon emission reduction target for 2015 through the elimination of 17 million miles from its supply chain to date, according to figures released by the UK retailer.
UK supermarket Asda has issued a nationwide recall on a range of its own brand drinks over fears that a faulty sports cap closure could be a choking hazard.
Ajinomoto Sweeteners Europe has launched a defamation law suit
against US supermarket Asda over labelling on own-brand products
that calls aspartame a 'nasty'.
With its hefty buying power and unfettered growth strategy, the
UK's leading supermarket chain Tesco is set to snatch the
convenience retail top spot from Spar, analysts predict.
After a raft of disappointing Christmas trading figures from most
of its main rivals this week, the 1.2 per cent decline in third
quarter like-for-like sales from J Sainsbury announced today will
come as little surprise. But the decline...