Aluminium packaging firm Alcoa, just named as one of the top three
most sustainable corporations in the world, has bought two
factories in Russia with a view to both dominating the region and
using its rich aluminium resources to...
In the US, Alcoa Closure Systems International has begun the
commerciallaunch of VinTegra, its new closure system for wine
bottles as an alternative tocorks and synthetic stoppers.
Packaging giant Alcoa has published five regional sustainability
reports for Australia, Jamaica, Suriname, Brazil and Primary Metals
Canada, which it believes shows that the group is environmentally
on message.
US-based Alcoa
has completed construction of a new plant in Hangzhou, China, for
its Closure Systems International (CSI) business, feeding growing
demand for closures in both the domestic and Japanese markets.
A prototype label for PET bottles has been developed by packaging
giant Alcoa. The label features cutting edge technology that could
open up a number of new packaging design possibilities.
Alcoa has announced that its Alcoa Closure Systems International
(CSI) business is set to expand further into the $100 million dairy
packaging business.
The Alcoa aluminium rolling operations based in Waunarlwydd,
Swansea has opened a new finishing line, part of an on-going
investment programme to upgrade the company's facilities in order
to increase supply for drink cans.