Soda: taxes & regulation


Should sugar taxes be extended beyond beverages?

By Rachel Arthur

Most ‘sugar taxes’ are, in reality, ones that apply specifically to beverages. Is this fair – and would extending them to items such as chocolate, cakes and biscuits work?

Pic: getty/liudmilachernetska

Do soda taxes reduce childhood obesity?

By Rachel Arthur

The potential of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes to tackle childhood obesity has been a key rationale for their introduction. How effective are they?


Oakland soda tax reduces sugary drink purchases

By Rachel Arthur

Residents in Oakland, California have bought fewer sugary beverages since a local soda tax went into effect, says a study from UC San Francisco. The study also found savings in health care costs and compared them to other public health policies.

One million livelihoods depend on South African cane sugar, says the industry. Pic:getty/lcswart

What next for South Africa’s sugar tax?

By Rachel Arthur

It sounds like it’s going to be a familiar story: health campaigners want a sugar tax, the beverage industry doesn’t. But in South Africa there’s an additional dynamic: a massive sugar-growing industry that’s already facing huge challenges. Acknowledging...

What does the future of sugar reduction hold? / Pic: GettyImages-anilakkus

What’s next in sugar reduction? Ingredient innovators weigh in

By Katy Askew

Cutting the amount of sugar in our diet continues to be a priority for many consumers. With experts insisting the sugar reduction trend isn’t coming off the boil, FoodNavigator asks what ingredients are shaping the future of sugar reformulation.

Make water and seltzers available at checkouts instead of soda, says CSPI. Pic:getty/edhonowitz

‘Keep soda in the soda aisle’, says CSPI

By Rachel Arthur

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a US consumer advocacy organization, is urging the country’s top food retailers and sugary drink manufacturers to remove sugar-laden drinks from impulse buy locations in stores.


Could warning labels on soda reduce consumption?

By Rachel Arthur

Displaying health warnings on sugar-sweetened drinks could be an effective way of reducing consumption, suggest US researchers, who found a 14.5% decline in consumption among students when warning labels were displayed on drinks in a college cafeteria....


A future of fizz or going flat? The soft drinks industry post-2020

By Danielle Jackson, Strategic Planner, ZEAL Creative

The soft drinks category has been working through a challenging year. Danielle Jackson, strategic planner at UK brand activation marketing agency ZEAL Creative, asks what lessons the industry can learn and take into 2021.