Eastern Europe leads the way

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Global drinks consumption is rising by 2.6 per cent a year with
Eastern Europe leading the way for future growth prospects with the
total volume reached 1.32 trillion litres in 2002.

Global drinks consumption is rising by 2.6 per cent a year, according to a report from drinks consultancy Zenith International - with Eastern Europe leading the way for future growth prospects. Total volume reached 1.32 trillion (million million) litres in 2002, equivalent to 214 litres per person.

To compile the results Zenith used the www.globaldrinks.com​ database, which contains individual market figures and provides a detailed picture of 14 beverage categories across 75 profiled countries and seven continental regions. Coverage includes all hot drinks, milk drinks, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks with forecasts up to 2007.

Although the figures show that the western European market is largely stagnant, the exception is the eastern European market. For this rapidly growing market the report highlights how growth is expected to race ahead. Indeed, with consumption set to grow at something like 45 litres per head over the next five years, it should become the fastest growing market in the world.

However, leading the way with by far the largest world market share is the Asia/Australasia where consumption is put at 33 per cent of the total in 2002. Furthermore the report highlight how the region's global influence is expected to develop, with volumes forecast to climb an extra 19 per cent by 2007.

On a global basis tea is still the world's most popular drink at 54 litres per person, however this figures is closely followed by carbonates and milk which are still encroaching on the tea drinking market.

The fastest growing market is that of bottled water, which, according to the report has recorded a 60 per cent gain in the past five years and is projected to jump by a further 39 per cent up to 2007. Much of this growth is expected to come from emerging markets, particularly those in Eastern Europe and Russia.

Zenith's globaldrinks.com database anticipates that total world consumption will approach 1.5 trillion litres in 2007, reflecting continued growth of 2.5 per cent a year. "Asia contains over half the world's population but consumption per person is less than one fifth that of North America. The region holds huge growth potential for those companies willing to invest in and develop the drinks market there,"​ concluded Zenith's Gary Roethenbaugh.

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