Sail of the century

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Allied Glass Containers has produced a container for the launch of
William Grant and Sons' new spirit brand, Sailor Jerry.

Allied Glass Containers has produced a container for the launch of William Grant and Sons new spirit brand, Sailor Jerry​. The packaging, which was designed by Ocean Design of London, is the latest in a number of interestingly packaging beverages to hit the market.

The whisky bottle plays on the theme of the famous sailor Jerry Collins (1911-1971), who was a world famous tattoo artist during his time. The sailor travelled the world and visited Japan in the 1920s where he learnt the sacred art of tattooing. He set up shop in the 1930s tattooing sailors with his distinctive designs, one of which is used in the design.

The bottle gives the impression of a human shape, with a high rounded shoulder profile and a smoothly tapering body which blends into the flared heel area.

On the bottom of the container is an embossed image of a turtle. Sailors superstitiously believed that a turtle tattooed on their feet would prevent drowning.

Allied Glass Containers​ design team worked closely with William Grant to ensure that the container would be only be aesthetically pleasing, but would also perform well on the company¹s high speed filling lines.

William Grant​ new brand development manager Elwyn Gladstone said: "This project has been very well handled by Allied Glass. We took the design concept to them at a very early stage and worked closely with the designers. As a result of this, we got a bottle that was exactly what we had intended, which can be run down our production lines with great efficiency."

The bottle is sleeved by Sleever International, and the labels are produced by Walsall Litho.

The new beverage, which contains a blend of Caribbean rum, vanilla, lime and spices, is targeted towards the 22-30 year old market. It is currently being market tested in 20 different pubs and bars in Brighton, UK.

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