New UK body for vegetarian food and drink manufacturers

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In the UK the Food and Drink Federation has launched a new voice
for vegetarian food and drink manufacturers - the FDF Vegetarian
(Meat-Free) Group.

In the UK the Food and Drink Federation has launched a new voice for vegetarian food and drink manufacturers - the FDF Vegetarian (Meat-Free) Group.

According to the Food and Drink Federation, key vegetarian and meat-free food producers have been brought together to form a powerful alliance of interests.

The new group will be officially introduced to the industry on Wednesday 20 November at an FDF-organised seminar at the New Connaught Rooms, London.

Key speakers will include representatives from Taylor Neilson Sofres, Linda McCartney Foods, Heinz and The Vegetarian Society.

The group aims to make FDF a centre of expertise on all aspects of the vegetarian and meat-free food manufacturing industry in a number of specific areas. These will include exchanging views and experience between FDF members, educational and promotional activities to increase awareness andbroaden the appeal, encouraging product development and innovation and promoting the highest quality standards.

Sylvia Jay, FDF director general, said: "The Vegetarian and Meat-Free Manufacturing Liaison group is an exciting addition to FDF. It reflects the growing demand for even more choice in the food we eat. The group will provide manufacturers with an essential forum and a strong voice in a sector which plays an increasingly important part of their businesses."

Tim Treharne, chairman of the FDF Vegetarian (Meat-Free) Group and agent to Linda McCartney Foods, said: "I am delighted to be chairing this new FDF Group. This alliance of vegetarian and meat-free manufacturers will allow key issues to be addressed in a market which shows a great potential for continued growth."

The latest market intelligence reports indicate that the vegetarian and meat-free category is worth more than £540 million (€848m) in the UK and is growingon average by over 15 per cent a year. This growth is seen to be a product of an increasing number of consumers who are reducing meat consumption as part ofa more varied diet. As a result, the vegetarian and meat -free category sector is now one on the most dynamic and innovative sectors of the UK food industry.

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