Getty Images / Milly777

Meta-analysis finds tart cherry juice effective exercise recovery aid

By Danielle Masterson

Research suggests tart cherry juice enhances recovery and attenuates symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), likely a result of the potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the cherry. Now, a new meta-analysis that documents the...

Coffea Congensis. Pic:CIRAD/E.Couturon

Rediscovering ‘forgotten’ wild coffee species

By Rachel Arthur

The coffee sector can look to ‘forgotten’ wild coffee species to mitigate the global impact of climate change, according to research from CIRAD and the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew. And coffee giants such as Jacobs Douwe Egberts, Nespresso and Starbucks...


French wines return from space for analysis

By Rachel Arthur

Bottles of French wine have returned to Earth following a stint on the International Space Station: with researchers now ready to assess how the wine has changed.


Could warning labels on soda reduce consumption?

By Rachel Arthur

Displaying health warnings on sugar-sweetened drinks could be an effective way of reducing consumption, suggest US researchers, who found a 14.5% decline in consumption among students when warning labels were displayed on drinks in a college cafeteria....

©Getty Images - Pict Rider

Just drink when you’re thirsty? Think again

By Hank Schultz

A new paper suggests that measuring proper hydration in the body is far more complex than might be assumed. Multiple tests might need to be done to get an accurate measurement, the authors claimed.

RTD Absolut Mixt will be one of the two products to trial the paper bottle. Pic: Absolut.

Absolut trials paper bottle prototype

By Rachel Arthur

Absolut will start trialling a paper bottle prototype in the UK and Sweden: aiming to ‘turn the spirits industry upside down with packaging that invokes real and long-lasting behavioral change’.

getty | dimitrii ivanov

Cranberry juice may help reduce risk of stomach ulcers

By Nikki Hancocks

Consuming cranberry juice twice daily reduces the risk of an infection which can lead to stomach ulcers, according to a new clinical trial supported by a grant from the Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC),


Editor's Spotlight: Startup Focus

Adaptogenic drinks bring ancient wisdom to the table

By Nikki Hancocks

A health and hospitality enthusiast with a passion for naturopathic nutrition is bringing the ancient wisdom of medicinal mushroom to the modern consumer with her new range of adoptogenic alcohol-free beers.

Getty | burakkarademir

Study: Coffee provides very limited anti-inflammatory benefits

By Nikki Hancocks

Regular caffeine consumption induces very limited anti-inflammatory effects, while sedentary behaviour and body fat accumulation induce significant inflammatory effects, according to a new study involving nearly 250 men and women.

© Getty Images Extreme Media

How coffee can fuel your workout

By Danielle Masterson

Although coffee is drunk by 150 million Americans everyday, the idea of drinking a cup of joe to supplement a workout is still a young idea. But a small group of entrepreneurs, scientists, and sports performance specialists are hoping the niche category...