Milk and milk drinks 'more effective rehydration options' than Powerade: Study


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Milk drinks 'more effective rehydration options' than Powerade: Study
Milk and milk-based beverages can be more effective than traditional sports drinks at replacing fluid lost during exercise, the findings of an Australian study suggest.

A Griffith University study, Comparing the rehydration potential of different milk-based drinks to a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage​, found that Pauls brand full cream milk, So Good brand soy milk, and Nestlé milk-based liquid meal supplement, Sustagen Sport, were "more effective rehydration options​" than Powerade. 

An average of 65.1% of the Sustagen Sport consumed by participants after a period of exercise was retained.

Meanwhile, an average of 46.9% of So Good soy milk was retained, 40% of Pauls full cream milk, and 16.6% of Powerade.

The" superior fluid recovery" ​experienced by those that drank Sustagen Sport was attributed by the Griffith University team to the product's "additional energy, protein, and sodium" ​- components that have previously demonstrated a capacity to positively influence post-exercise fluid retention.

Rehydration options

As detailed in the study, published in the Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism​ journal, 15 "recreationally active​" men wearing heavy clothing rode stationary bikes to encourage sweat loss. 

The participant cycled at 70% to 80% of their age-predicted maximum heart rate until 1.8% of their initial body mass was lost. 

Following this, each consumed one of the four beverages in volumes equivalent to 150% of their body mass loss over the course of an hour. Blood and urine samples were taken and body mass and gastrointestinal tolerance were measured over a four-hour resting period. 

Sustagen Sport contains milk powder and whey protein concentrate.

The Griffith University team discovered that net body mass was "significantly less"​ in participants that drank Powerade, and those that consumed milk and Sustagen Sport reported higher "bloating and fullness"​ ratings than the Powerade drinkers.

Overall thirst ratings were, however, "not different between beverages"​ and milk-based drinks were found to be "more effective rehydration options compared with traditional sports drinks."

"In summary, this investigation further demonstrates the capacity of commercially available milk-based beverages to enhance the replacement of lost fluid following exercise in comparison with carbohydrate electrolyte drink,"​ it added.

Source: Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Title: Comparing the rehydration potential of different milk based drinks to a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage
Authors: B Desbrow, S Jansen, A Barrett, M Leveritt, C Irwin

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