New TIC stabilisers target healthier dairy drinks
Designed to improve texture by providing a thick, mouth coating feel, the new blends are targeting a new generation of healthier dairy and protein drinks.
“The continuing demand for healthier dairy products and alternatives that do not compromise the creamy texture of traditional products is an excellent rationale for reformulating products with one of our stabilisers for protein beverages,” said TIC dairy food scientist Donna Klockeman.
Each of the ingredients in the new range is tailored for a specific type of protein rich beverage application.
Three ingredients
The Colloid MB Powder is aimed at pasteurised chocolate milk products and can also be used in variegated syrup, eggnog, and buttermilk. TIC said the new ingredient adds body and creamy texture while providing excellent cocoa and flavour suspension in pasteurised products.
Meanwhile, for UHT processed chocolate milk and dairy drinks, TIC has developed Dairyblend MB2. According to TIC, this option gives slightly added viscosity while giving suspension to cocoa through the challenging UHT process.
The final ingredient in the new group of stabilisers is the Ticaloid 875, which was developed for formulation with both milk and soy protein ingredients. It also works well with starch, making it suitable for puddings and functional alternative protein drinks, where thick and creamy characteristics are desirable.
US-based TIC Gums is a major supplier of gums and gum systems to the food industry, providing texture enhancing ingredients for a range of products including drinks, ice creams, and bakery items.