Beer & cider

Stone Brewing will give Sapporo USA increased production capabilities

Sapporo acquires US craft brewer Stone Brewing

By Rachel Arthur

Sapporo USA will acquire California craft brewer Stone Brewing, with the acquisition ‘bringing together the complementary strengths of Japanese artistry and innovation with the American craft brewing tradition in a fusion of cultures’.

Pic: Absolut

Absolut develops fiber-based bottle cap

By Rachel Arthur

The Absolut Company, part of Pernod Ricard, has partnered with Blue Ocean Closures (BOC), a start-up based in Sweden, to develop an innovative natural fiber-based closure cap for its bottle.


From tequila to botanicals: Bacardi talks summer spirit trends

By Rachel Arthur

What's big in the US spirits scene this summer? Sean Eckhardt, Senior Vice President of US Sales at Bacardi, explains how the company has shaped its portfolio for the summer months - along with his take on the trending tequila, RTD alcohol, and lower...


The top brewers and craft brewers in the US

By Rachel Arthur

The Brewers Association – the trade association dedicated to small and independent American brewers – has released its 2021 list of the US’ top brewers and craft brewers.


Carlsberg’s four pillars for portfolio growth

By Rachel Arthur

Carlsberg has set out its strategy for portfolio growth over four key categories: continuing its focus on premium and super-premium products but also setting out new ambitions to expand in products beyond beer such as hard seltzer and RTDs.

Dry Mediterranean climates are well-suited for organic vineyards. Pic:getty/adamsmigielski

French organic wine production increases 22%

By Rachel Arthur

As more and more French consumers look to buy organic, production of organic wine in France is increasing and more vineyards are turning to the practice.

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