Possible Brewery closure for Scottish & Newcastle

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Scottish & Newcastle (S&N), one of the world's largest
brewing companies, is to review all aspects of its business in an
effort to cut company costs. As a result it could mean that the
company could lose two of its five UK breweries.

The aim of the review is to allow the company to become more integrated into the international brewing market that it has bought into in recent years. There is speculation that the company could close some of its breweries, and this would undoubtedly would cut costs observers claim.Although S&N made no comment on the matter, research from Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) has suggested that if a single brewery was to be closed it could generate £25 million (€36.5 million) towards the company's profits.

The company's five breweries are located in Edinburgh, Manchester, Newcastle, Reading and Tadcaster. The researchers indicated that all of the company's sites are sensitive yet they believe that it is unlikely that the Edinburgh or Newcastle sites will be sold due to the name of the company.

The Tadcaster site is considered a historic brewing centre and if it was to close it could cause uproar among ale enthusiasts.

The Royal Brewery in Manchester, in terms of pint produced per person employed is the most productive brewery in the UK. The Reading brewery is the largest; it employs 500 staff while the othr four sites employ from 200 to 230 staff.

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