Retail & shopper insights

Volvic's 'find your volcano' campaign includes on-pack labels such as 'fearless' and 'brave'

News in brief

‘Find your volcano’: Volvic launches £2.2m new year campaign

By Rachel Arthur

Danone water brand Volvic is kicking off the new year with a marketing campaign that celebrates the brand’s volcanic heritage and ‘inspires the public to find their inner strength and achieve their goals in 2017’.


Pay more, waste less: Scottish food study

By Louis Gore-Langton

Research by the University of Aberdeen in Scotland suggests that while food price hikes have reduced the amount bought by the public, an equal reduction in food waste has kept overall food intake constant.


Industry backs ban of online junk food ads for children

By Louis Gore-Langton

Industry has given its support to a new ruling by the UK's Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) on marketing junk food to children that will increase restrictions to cover non-broadcast media, including print, cinema and online social media.

© iStock/Ljubaphoto

Brexit bites, or the price of a low pound

By Mark Jones, food and drink solicitor

What will the impact of rising food prices in post-Brexit Britain be on manufacturers, retailers and consumers? Food and drink solicitor at Gordons law firm Mark Jones takes a closer look. 

Tesco started its efforts to reduce sugar in soft drinks in 2011. Pic:iStock/bogdandreava

Tesco reduces sugar in own brand soft drinks

By Rachel Arthur

UK supermarket giant Tesco has reduced the sugar content in its own brand soft drink portfolio, with the reformulated beverages hitting the shelves this week. 


Tesco expands craft beer section

By Rachel Arthur

UK supermarket giant Tesco says craft beer is the fastest growing drinks trend in the UK, as it rolls out more craft drinks in its stores this week and trials a chilled beer and cider delivery service.

SABMiller has launched a ‘smart sensor’ technology that tells consumers when their beer is at the perfect drinking temperature.

The future of packaging knows no bounds, says CDP

By Jenny Eagle

There are some exciting opportunities ahead as the future of packaging knows no bounds, according to Cambridge Design Partnership (CDP), but how can manufacturers tap into this space while taking into consideration the high costs?

Photo: iStock

When it comes to grocery shopping, children have a lot of clout

By Adi Menayang

What differences in shopping habits do childless households have compared to ones with children? A lot, a new study by Packaged Facts reveals. We chat with founders of two smaller brands who market directly to children and get their take.

The world’s top 10 beer brands: BrandZ report

The world’s top 10 beer brands

By Rachel Arthur

Budweiser takes the top spot in the BrandZ Beer Top 10 Brands list, but which other brews feature in the rankings? 

Europen chairman Martin Reynolds gives a welcome address at the organization's 20th anniversary

Exclusive interview with Europen chairman in Brussels

Lighter packaging: how much further can we go?

By Fiona Barry

Minimizing packaging waste is a clear goal for Europen’s members and all food processing firms, but shifting attitudes mean weight reduction is only the beginning.

Troubled waters for Danone

Troubled waters for Danone

Danone's troubled expansion into the bottled water business
continues to hit the headlines, with news late last week that the
French dairy group was close to selling its stake in its North
American joint venture with Coca-Cola....

'Jazzing up' whisky's image?

'Jazzing up' whisky's image?

Glenfiddich, the Scotch whisky maker, is hoping to rejuvenate its
image by promoting the 'nu jazz' music scene alongside the drink
itself - a gamble which the company hopes will give a more youthful
image to what has traditionally...