Packaging & packing materials, containers

IVL to acquire 74% of Medco Plast. Photo: IVL.

IVL to expand in East African PET packaging market

By Jenny Eagle

Indorama Ventures Ltd (IVL) will expand its portfolio in East Africa following the acquisition of a 74% share of Medco Plast from Middle East Glass Manufacturing (MEG) and the Samaha family.

The Kezzler team. Photo: Kezzler.

AIPIA World Congress preview

Kezzler takes IoP technology to China

By Jenny Eagle

Kezzler joined the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Innovation Norway on a State Visit to China last month, as it welcomed incoming CEO Christine Akselsen.

AIPIA to partner with drupa 2020. Photo: drupa.

AIPIA announces drupa 2020 partnership

How packaging can help brands in a mobile commerce world

By Jenny Eagle

AIPIA (Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association) has partnered with drupa 2020, printing technology show, to host a Members’ Village as well as demonstrations and presentations about Active & Intelligent Packaging technologies and how...

Manufacturers are responding to demand for options at each distinct beverage opportunity throughout the day.  Pic: ©GettyImages/DuxX

Pack Expo: trend spotting

PMMI sees bright future for beverage packaging in North America

By Beth Newhart

Smaller can sizes, less packaging material and eco-friendly manufacturing practices are all trends to watch in the beverage industry. BeverageDaily was at Pack Expo last week to find out what’s hot and what’s not in the industry this year.

ValvPak features a rip-top opening that releases and recloses with one hand.

Cup vs. pouch debate ignited at Pack Expo

By Beth Newhart

Packaging viscous products in sealable pouches rather than plastic cups is a trend that’s gained a lot of steam in the last few years. At Pack Expo International in Chicago, the pros and cons of the pouch method were debated and innovations were on display....

Horst Bittermann with Jean-François Roche, president, ECMA.

ECMA Congress 2018

ECMA Congress welcomes Pro Carton president

By Jenny Eagle

Horst Bittermann made his debut as president of Pro Carton at the ECMA (European Carton Makers Association) Congress (September 20-21) in Riga, Latvia, this year, taking over from Roland Rex who stood down in June after eight years.

Hans van Schaik, MD, ECMA speaking at the ECMA Congress last week.

ECMA Congress 2018

ECMA revises its business strategy to tackle growing challenges

By Jenny Eagle

ECMA (The European Carton Makers Association) has revised its business strategy to tackle growing challenges within the industry such as Brexit, food safety, recruiting a younger workforce, currency fluctuations and sustainability.

Frontier Label uses stone paper and recycled beach plastic in its products to cut down on environmental strain.

The straw law flaw: What more can be done?

By Beth Newhart

The banning of single-use plastic straws gained a lot of traction across the US this summer, with major companies like Starbucks, McDonald’s and Disney at the forefront. But experts say straws are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ and brands could be doing...