Natural and Organic

Young people are proving that they want to buy local and small, which is turning out to be one of the greatest opportunities in the specialty market.

Shopping small: 79% of Gen Z buys specialty foods

By Beth Newhart

Both younger generations - millennials and gen Z - are more interested in supporting local, small businesses than their gex X and baby boomer predecessors. The independent, specialty food and beverage market in the US is now worth $140bn and growing three...

Today’s consumers are expecting function, taste, affordability and convenience all rolled into one beverage. Pic: ©GettyImages/baibaz

Superfoods take center stage in specialty beverages

By Beth Newhart

Functional beverage launches were common in 2018, and their popularity is only expected to grow in 2019. At the Winter Fancy Food Show (WWFS) in San Francisco, small-scale brands showcased new drinks packed with functional ingredients like rose extract,...

Bottled water should be available everywhere, says 93% of Americans

By Beth Newhart

A new study from the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) says that 93% of Americans want bottled water available everywhere drinks are sold, and prefer it over all other beverages, furthering its rise to the no. 1 soft drink in the world.

“It’s so important that consumers understand where their food comes from, how it’s produced and why that’s important.

'Sustainability is a process. It’s not a destination, it’s a journey'

McDonald’s McCafe close to 100% sustainably-sourced US coffee

By Beth Newhart

McDonald’s global McCafe division relies heavily on inexpensive, quality coffee, requiring a strong relationship with coffee farmers and a transparent supply chain. The company has committed to sustainably sourcing 100% of its coffee by 2020.

On biodynamic farms 10% of the land has to be set aside for giving back and helping the environment.

Biodynamic farming spreads to coffee

By Beth Newhart

With consumers increasingly concerned about how their food is produced, interest in biodynamic farming is growing. While growing in popularity for wine production in Europe, Holistic Roasters also sees the potential for biodynamic farming in the coffee...

Rise struggled with sourcing oat ‘milk’ that was up to their standards because they place a strong emphasis on organic ingredients.

Organic nitro cold brew oat beverage lattes launching

By Beth Newhart

Coffee brand Rise Brewing Co. has introduced a line of ready-to-drink nitro cold brew lattes, including two flavors made with oat beverages. Consumer demand and ‘flavor profile’ drove the decision to use dairy alternatives, the company said.


What is a natural wine?

By Rachel Arthur

A French politician is calling for the country to create a legal definition for natural wines, saying it is important to distinguish the category against other wines.

What will tomorrow's consumers be looking for when they buy wine? To start with, they'll be more interested in how the grapes have been grown.

Organic, natural, biodynamic… What next for wine?

By Rachel Arthur

Wine has been popular for centuries: but as consumers becoming increasingly concerned about sustainability there’s huge potential for niche categories – such as organic, natural and biodynamic – to grow. BeverageDaily puts the spotlight on the trends...

 Pic: ©GettyImages/dmbaker

AB InBev: Barley is the ‘initial touchpoint’ for sustainability

By Beth Newhart

Barley is not only the starting point for quality beer: it’s also the initial touchpoint for improved sustainability efforts, says AB InBev. As the brewer celebrates 50 years of partnership with barley growers in Idaho Falls in the US, it’s now looking...

Natural ingredients for beer: hops and grains. Pic: Getty/alexraths

The Brewers of Europe Forum

AB InBev CEO: ‘Beer needs to play the natural card more’

By Rachel Arthur

Beer is all about natural ingredients: and that’s something the industry needs to emphasize in order to appeal to today’s consumers, says AB InBev CEO Carlos Brito. And beer also needs to learn from wine and highlight its connections to agriculture and...

The simply cola flavor in the Organics by Red Bull line was first developed when the company launched in the 1987.

Red Bull gets into soda category with organic line launch

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Red Bull has launched a line of USDA Organic-certified sodas, Organics by Red Bull, in two US markets – San Diego County, California, and a region of North Carolina – as well online through Amazon.

RUNA challenges ‘formulated in a lab’ energy drink notion


RUNA challenges ‘formulated in a lab’ energy drink notion

By Mary Ellen Shoup

RUNA is providing the energy drink category with a natural alternative that gives consumers a caffeine boost without ‘the crash’ thanks to its core ingredient, derived from caffeinated Amazonian holly leaves.

Cusa Tea launched its sixth flavor, organic chai, at Expo West last week.

Expo West 2018

Cusa Tea sets out to change perception of instant tea

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Cusa Tea is tapping into a missed opportunity in the instant tea category where founder Jim Lamancusa believes major players are not adequately replicating the experience and taste of a freshly brewed cup.

Harmless Harvest will use $30m investment to increase and optimize its sustainable production capacity in Thailand, raising brand awareness, and expanding geographic distribution.

Harmless Harvest secures $30m led by Danone investment venture arm

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Harmless Harvest, a US refrigerated premium coconut water brand, has secured $30m in growth capital from Danone Manifesto Ventures and others to support expansion plans of its organic portfolio with an emphasis on meeting sustainable quality standards.

Starbucks announced it would close all 379 Teavana stores by spring 2018. Pic: Starbucks

What does Starbucks closing Teavana stores mean for specialty tea?

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Starbucks’ decision to shut down Teavana stores does not come as a surprise nor is it a bad sign for the specialty tea market, according to Charlie Cain who served as Teavana’s VP of concept development and franchising until January 2015. 

Weight management ranked as the top reason consumers are limiting sugar in their diets, according to Mintel. ©iStock/JulyProkopiv

IFT 2017

Mintel talks trends in sugar and sweeteners

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Sugar reduction is a trend among most consumers (84%), with millennials leading the charge citing more reasons than older consumers for following the health trend, according Mintel.

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